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Property Services

If you need a reliable and dependable agent to guide you for buying property in Goa then we are the one stop destination for you. We are ready to serve you and help you with detailed information regarding buying the residential and commercial property. We not only deal with the domestic buyers but also with the foreign and NRI buyers. We try our level best to scout every reliable source to provide you with the correct data for property prices that you can count on.

Service Provided to Buyer

Offering Properties as per your budget.
Showing the properties.
Giving solutions for any legal or technical query about the property.
Arranging meeting with the Owner/ Builder.
Assisting for making the Legal Documents like Agreement for Sale, Sale Deed etc.
Our Fees: 2% on the Rate Finalized + 18% GST

Want to sell your property and looking for a reliable name? For that, Elite Realty is the one you can trust. We deal in the selling of residential, industrial, commercial and agricultural properties. We mainly operate in the Goa region. We are even into selling of beach properties in the state of Goa. We can help in deriving the right price for your property. We understand the worth of your property, so professionally we can identify the potential client and carry out with the entire deal in the most effective manner, which save both time and money.

Service Provided To Purchaser

Getting the clients to inspect the site.
Marketing the property on your behalf.
Getting the client for the site visit.
Arranging the meeting with the Client.
Assisting for making the legal documents like Agreement for Sale, Sale Deed, Etc.
Our Fees: 2% on the Rate Finalized + 18% GST

Elite Realty is the well established property dealer in Goa. We promote renting of property whether it is residential, commercial or industrial property. We also deal in beach properties in Goa. We have our team of experts and professionals looking after the legal matters concerning the property.

Service Provided to Buyer

Offering Properties as per your budget.
Showing the properties.
Giving solutions for any legal or technical query about the property.
Arranging meeting with the Owner.
Assisting for any Lease & License Agreement / Lease Deed or any other Deed.
Our fees: One Month of the Rent + 18% GST for tenant & owner
Inspecting the site.
Marketing the property on your behalf.
Getting the clients for the site visit.
Arranging the meeting with the client.
Assisting for making the legal documents like Leave & License Agreements/ Lease Deed.
Our fees: One Month of the Rent + 18% GST for tenant & owner

Goa is a terrific blend of old and new, with hospitable people, verdant hill forests and beaches stretching 100 km from north to south. We are engaged in renovating buildings, shops and showrooms in Goa. Repairing and remodelling of flats and apartments is our forte. “Elite Realtys” spares no effort here and provides everything to make life easy and comfortable. Our renovation services are marked with competence and a uniqueness that brings life to the old buildings. We ensure safety of the people and property. Our professional services can be availed at a reasonable rate. Our perfect and innovative renovation services make it difficult to draw a line between old and new building. We are competent in bringing life to the old dead building structures.

POP Work
Electricity work
Interior Decoration

Looking To Sell Or Rent Your Property?

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